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Our friends in Gilroy had a parrot that they just loved but, they “wanted” to be rid of it.  (Apparently it was a pain in the ass, but who is going to say that while trying to get rid of a critter?)  My hub thought “beautiful bird, nice bird, likes me”.  I said “no.”  For his birthday a few months later, however, I broke down my guard and got him a lovely, baby, hand-raised, white-faced male cockatiel.  “Bird” (best name we could come up with at the time).  Bird is 18 this year.  Bird has been lots of fun, terror, scary moments, oh yeah, fun, umm messy, 2-year-old that never grows up, healthy! (which I hear is a plus for white-faced), just your average pain in the ass, makes too much noise… pet bird.  Talks like crazy.  Loves me, loves our other pets.  Because I’ve done research and talked with avian veterianarians and all, I feed Bird right.  Because Bird gets all the necessary pelleted nutrition, he could easily live to be… 25-30.  What am I to do?  Start feeding him only seed like most un-educated bird owners (parakeets, budgies, cockatiels)?  He will die of malnutrition in less than a year!  Of course I won’t do that.  I loves my “Bird”.

Part II – Parakeet (Budgie) added to the “flock” (to be continued)

Something I feel strongly about is the welfare of dogs and cats.  Something not mentioned alot in true crime, but, hey – it’s my site so here goes.  The folks at Villalobos Rescue Center need help.  Seriously.  Please go to the site and give ’em a $1.00 or a $5.00 or whatever more hits yur fancy.  Thanks!

White male, blue eyesRoxySo, I go to PetSmart today to get my cat’s their food.  I’ve had my 2 kitties on Science Diet’s Nature’s Best (chicken or fish – they like both) for near 5 years.  Science Diet has changed the recipe for Nature’s Best to chicken with brown rice or fish with brown rice.  Okay, fine.  Then I look at the price.  Six pound bag is $23.00.   Are you freakin’ kidding me?  The largest bag they sell, usually the best deal, is only 12 pounds and that goes for $35.00.  They are no longer selling the original receipe for Nature’s Best (without the brown rice).  I was buying a 24 pound bag for $35.00.  They have doubled the price and added crap a cat doesn’t need.  Not only do they not need brown rice – my cats both turned their noses up at the little 3 pound bag I bought for 10 bucks.  I’m very irritated.  I worked in a Veterinary hospital for several years and it is always wise to wean an animal from one type of food to another by gradually mixing the new stuff with their existing diet.  Well, duh.  Can’t do that since the original Nature’s Best is no longer available.  I’m returning the bag and I guess I’ll try regular Science Diet Adult Cat.  If they don’t like that – well, I guess they’ll eat it when they get hungry enough.  I don’t like having to do that to them.